Esoteric Psychology and the Behaviorism of B. F. Skinner

Original price was: R$151,98.Current price is: R$120,32.

Autor(a): Adão José Gonçalves da Cruz
Tradutor(a): Adão José Gonçalves da Cruz
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Any science, including that of human behavior, begins with the simple and eventually develops generalized principles that allow the interpretation of what is most complex. B. F. Skinner used principles derived from his laboratory studies to interpret the behavior of human beings, but he insisted that the interpretation should not be confused with an explanation of the initial causes of behavior.

According to B. F. Skinner, science shows how phenomena occur, but not why these phenomena occur. For example, science can figure out how humans evolved on Earth, but it’s not up to them to explain why humans exist on our planet Earth. As can be seen from Skinner’s statements, although he acknowledged that we are not responsible for our behaviors, this does not mean that we should not be held responsible for our deviations in behavior. According to Skinner, from an ethical point of view we are responsible for what we do, but from a scientific point of view it is culture that has not taught us desirable behavior properly.

As a student of psychology, I regard a scientific truth as a hypothesis, momentarily satisfactory; however, not an article of faith eternally valid as “academic dogma.” Thus, all science begins with observations of simple events, then tries to infer general laws and principles from those events. Just because a respected scientist said something doesn’t mean it should be accepted as true. According to science, the claim must stand the test of empirical observation. Therefore, Esoteric Psychology presents new concepts, postulates, arguments, and hypotheses, observed over the centuries, which culminated in the current biological, psychic, mental and spiritual development of human beings; however, to be observed, researched, and criticized, as well as the possibilities of being interpreted by new scientists.

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Peso 0,782987 kg
Dimensões 13,9 × 21,5 × 3,5 cm
Nº Páginas



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Esoteric Psychology and the Behaviorism of B. F. Skinner

Original price was: R$151,98.Current price is: R$120,32.