
He made a mistake that cost him dearly. The advice and warnings he was given were in vain; they were lost somewhere in the relentless time that gave him no respite.

Compelled by something inexplicable, he entered an unknown world. He began to remove the veil that hindered his view of the world. Was it too late? It’s never too late to do the right thing. He learned to listen before he acted and, from that point on, he was ready to face a huge challenge. It was also a time to scrutinize the human soul, the invisible within each person’s mind and heart. He witnessed contacts that were so extraordinary that they seemed like the story of a work of fiction, of a hallucinated madman, dazzled by a reality that is not common to see or feel.

He experienced the “fumes of illusion”, but soon realized that he wasn’t in charge. He came to his senses and, freed from the darkness, he had the opportunities latent for those who seek and believe in the truths of a new era.

Have a good trip on the Journey of a Destiny.

Informações adicionais

Peso 0,42067 kg
Dimensões 15,5 × 23 × 1,58 cm
Nº Páginas



Brilho, COM orelha

Data da Publicação



Preto e Branco (Papel Offset)




Faixa Etária Recomendada

Adulto (maiores de 18 anos)



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Journey of a Destiny

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